Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On todays episode....

lol seriously... reality TV show...

So this morning, I am laying in bed feeding Juliette... and I hear this CRASH.. I knew the kids were up in their rooms waiting for me... So turns out they broke the light bulb on the girls lap... it just happens to be one of those energy savers that when broke turns its self in to 3 zillion tiny pieces...

So we do breakfast, and get dressed. Why is it even though I put ALL the clothes away yesterday I cant find shorts for the boys this morning? I mean wtf is that about?

Juliette is a fussy thing, I am trying to clean up my kitchen and do laundry.. you know thinking I MIGHT find the boys shorts? The kids are up and down the stairs and all of a sudden Trystin starts crying. Comes down bleeding.. what did you do??? Hurt his knew on the broken bulb that I am YET to get cleaned up but didnt I tell you a half a dozen times to stay out of that room AND close the door? *sigh* Clean knee have kid fall down the stairs. Alarik is screaming cause he is hungry and tired. Oh did I mention that he fell off the bunch at breakfast and has a fat lip now? But at least IT stopped bleeding...

Someone locked the bathroom door upstairs. I cant get it unlocked. Light is on. Gonna stay that way till daddy fixes it. Mr. NoBody did it by the way.

Get Alarik fed and in bed, feed Juliette, feed kids... do laundry... register for Operation Homefronts Back pack brigade.. free backpacks with school supplies for the kiddos in school. Come to the realization that Athena is going to need school clothes. OY. Can we please have the money that they took out of our check back now? *sigh*

Fed the kids, got dinner in the crockpot and resume cleaning house.


No wonder I feel like I need a nap.... but I smell a stinky tush and I think its Nikholas... can someone explain to him the concept of potty training... cause its just not happening for me.

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