Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Project 365

So I have this blog. And I always think I need to use it. Yet I never seem to. Something about time and there only being 24 hours in a day. Someone needs to do something about that ya know....

So I was reading about a few people doing this project 365 and I was like HEY I can do that! And wow look I have a blog.... it would force me to use it lol. It also gives me something to do while my husband is gone most of next year.

So there you have it folks. In a few days I will start this. I will. I will keep up with it all next year. Honest.

Guess I better go find my camera then hu?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On todays episode....

lol seriously... reality TV show...

So this morning, I am laying in bed feeding Juliette... and I hear this CRASH.. I knew the kids were up in their rooms waiting for me... So turns out they broke the light bulb on the girls lap... it just happens to be one of those energy savers that when broke turns its self in to 3 zillion tiny pieces...

So we do breakfast, and get dressed. Why is it even though I put ALL the clothes away yesterday I cant find shorts for the boys this morning? I mean wtf is that about?

Juliette is a fussy thing, I am trying to clean up my kitchen and do laundry.. you know thinking I MIGHT find the boys shorts? The kids are up and down the stairs and all of a sudden Trystin starts crying. Comes down bleeding.. what did you do??? Hurt his knew on the broken bulb that I am YET to get cleaned up but didnt I tell you a half a dozen times to stay out of that room AND close the door? *sigh* Clean knee have kid fall down the stairs. Alarik is screaming cause he is hungry and tired. Oh did I mention that he fell off the bunch at breakfast and has a fat lip now? But at least IT stopped bleeding...

Someone locked the bathroom door upstairs. I cant get it unlocked. Light is on. Gonna stay that way till daddy fixes it. Mr. NoBody did it by the way.

Get Alarik fed and in bed, feed Juliette, feed kids... do laundry... register for Operation Homefronts Back pack brigade.. free backpacks with school supplies for the kiddos in school. Come to the realization that Athena is going to need school clothes. OY. Can we please have the money that they took out of our check back now? *sigh*

Fed the kids, got dinner in the crockpot and resume cleaning house.


No wonder I feel like I need a nap.... but I smell a stinky tush and I think its Nikholas... can someone explain to him the concept of potty training... cause its just not happening for me.

6 kids and a dentist

I swear my life should be a reality show lol. It would be entertaining that is for sure!

So Friday I took all 6 kids to the dentist. 5 of them had appts.

Soooo everyone got xrays, teeth cleaned, and then checked....

Athena has 1 small cavity between the teeth that needs to be taken care of
Karin has two like that
Trystin we will come back to
Nikholas has no problems other then the front of his teeth where they were eatten away by the formula he was on as a baby and they need to be filed down since they are jagged.
Alarik is good to go!

Trystin oy... he has 4 small cavities between the teeth that need to be filled. The peice of gum between the to front teeth needs to be cut as it is huge and causing his teeth to grow and shift badly. AND he needs his teeth filed down.... they want to do it all at once, in the hospital with him asleep. Oy.

You should have seen the site though. All the kids, the dentist, his assistant... it was comical. He did great with them and the staff is awesome. I am glad we are going there. But oy lol. They were asking a zillion questions and the dentist was like well I would tell you the verdict after I check them but I dotn want to forget so he would do an exam and then tell me and then move on.

Reality show... seriously lol.

Embarrassed. Seriously.

OMG Seriously! I made plans for Props and her family to stop by today since they were in town visiting. EXCITED!

Sooooo what happens? In the past HOUR:

Juliette puked on me to the point i needed a shower right after I told the kids to come in and find they tracked mud all over the first floor of the house. My half bath is covered in mud, mud on carpet, kitchen floor, shoes, clothes.... oy

Take shower get dressed find Juliette had a poop explosion

Clean baby, dress baby, feed baby wrap baby in miracle blanket from Rachel.
Striped kids of muddy clothes
Feed kids lunch

Take out trash, start to sweep kitchen so I can clean. And then I get a text that she is maybe 5min from my house.

The house was a disaster, the kids half not dressed, I hadnt gotten to even brush my hair yet from the shower before.

Embarrassed. Seriously. Oy.

Oh and Peyton is just a doll Smiley She is so cute.

Friday, June 12, 2009


When asked how I describe our family a few words always come to mind. Crazy, things are always crazy at our house. People think we are crazy for having so many kids. I feel crazy by the end of some days. Beautiful, we have beautiful kids, life is beautiful, the journey we are on is beautiful. Its truly something wonderful. Watching our kids grow and evolve. The fun we have. The journey we are on. All of it is just awesome and something wonderful. It is a gift from God that I cherish. There are some nights that they are all asleep and I sigh a sigh of finally, some quiet. And others its just nice to reflect on the times we had during the day. Things dont always run smoothly. Things are hardly ever perfect. However, they are always as good as we make it.

So why did I create a blog. Its an outlet. Its a way for me to keep in touch. Its a way for me to let everyone know how we are doing. What is new, whats going and its a way of me venting. There are things that will not be talked about here, there are reasons for that. Trust me. There are times I may just vent a bit and it might not make sense. Thats ok too.

I just hope to share our crazy beautiful wonderful times with those who stop by.