Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Legs contest!

Bab Snazz is running a contest to win 20 free pairs of baby legs leg warmers. We love them! Check out the contest in the link below.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

And we have PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!

So here we go! My first photo. Its not amazing quality but I think the subject is awesome. We went to the holiday party and they had ice sculptures. I didnt get a photo of the second one but I did get one of this one. We counted it and it took 5 blocks of ice to make this thing. Just amazing!

A) I really needed to vacuum (I did trust me lol)
and B) When did she get so big? She sad and played for a while like this. She had a blast. When did she get so big?

My Juju bug sleeping on my rocker today. Lord I love this little girl.


My computer has a card reader. Yep I feel stupid :) Downloading photo goodness as I type. (we will not mention how stupid I feel to realize this fact about my computer lol)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good News?

Good news blogger readers.... I think I found a cord last night in my house that will work with the camera. Pics to follow today at some point if it does! YAY!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So we have two cameras. Both the same brand and take the same cords and such. Its kind of cool. Well it is when you can find things. I searched the abyss called our bedroom and it is not there. Its not downstairs either. I have no idea where it is. Tomorrow I have to hunt down a cord for the camera so I can upload pics. I am quite annoyed that I cant find thing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How do I do what?

Everyone always says I dont know how you do it. One day I am going to just look at them and ask them do what? Cause I dunno what they are talking about. We have 6 kids, my husband is gone more then he is home. My life is nuts. Its 2am and I am up cleaning. I have a 7 month old in her jumper bouncy thing talking away to a slinky light. Did you know they made light up slinkies? Its kind of awesome to see. I will have to take a pic. I have a one year old who had a late nap so he is up laying on the floor watching cartoons. If I put him to bed he screams mama over and over and over at the top of his lungs. I have other children to think about. Ones that go to school that needs sleep more then he needs to learn to lay down be quiet and go to sleep. Wrong? Eh maybe. Scared for life? I doubt it. We are quickly approching deployment. I am dreading it. It is going to be a long 8 months. I keep telling myself that I did 7 years with out him, 8 months is nothing. I am yet to really believe myself. I keep trying though. I have a whole list of things that needs to be taken care of. Wills, POAs, Emergency plans ect. It makes my head spin to think about it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Julie and Julia

So my husband and I watched this movie last night. It prompted me to invest in a cook book. The first one that I have bought since my husband and I got married. Now granted we havent been married long but this is also the first real cook book I have bought since I have been an adult. Wow. I have a whole list now that I want. I want to cook more. And better. And healthier. I can do this. I want to do this. And it gives me something to do while my husband is deployed later this year. He will have adventures all around the world. I will have them in our kitchen. This could be fun!

Project 365 update

I have photos. I just have no camera cord to take photos from camera to computer *sigh* My goal for tomorrow is to have my three photos to start off the project posted. I just need my poor camera cord.

Wonder if the bedroom of laundry death has it hostage?