Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How do I do what?

Everyone always says I dont know how you do it. One day I am going to just look at them and ask them do what? Cause I dunno what they are talking about. We have 6 kids, my husband is gone more then he is home. My life is nuts. Its 2am and I am up cleaning. I have a 7 month old in her jumper bouncy thing talking away to a slinky light. Did you know they made light up slinkies? Its kind of awesome to see. I will have to take a pic. I have a one year old who had a late nap so he is up laying on the floor watching cartoons. If I put him to bed he screams mama over and over and over at the top of his lungs. I have other children to think about. Ones that go to school that needs sleep more then he needs to learn to lay down be quiet and go to sleep. Wrong? Eh maybe. Scared for life? I doubt it. We are quickly approching deployment. I am dreading it. It is going to be a long 8 months. I keep telling myself that I did 7 years with out him, 8 months is nothing. I am yet to really believe myself. I keep trying though. I have a whole list of things that needs to be taken care of. Wills, POAs, Emergency plans ect. It makes my head spin to think about it.


  1. When you're a mom you just do what you have to do, I love that question too!!! I only have one child, but my life is just hectic in general. lol Go you for being you! And thank your husband for defending our country for me! :)

  2. The definition of Mom is doing what you have to do when you need to do it!!!!!

    Please give your husband my gratefulness at his service to our country, and the sacrifices YOU make for him to defend our freedom.
