Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am so fustrated right now I cant even come up with the words to go with it. Just when I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel I find out its just a huge train headed my way. Go figure.

For the past few days, my husband had been normal. Right after I wrote my last entery he came home for lack of better discription, normal. Or more like his pre deployment self. It has been great. But as fast as it happen... the same speed took place on him going backwards. Really it sucked. Or sucks. I really miss the old husband. The one I married. I am tired of our conversations going in circles and everything being my fault. I am tired of him saying I dont know to every thing I ask. I am tired of getting an attitued and being expected to do everything. I am tired I am stressed and I am over it. And I have no idea what to do about it. I have stress headache after stress headache. I have kids telling me daddy is mean. I swear I get CPS at my door and I will never ever forgive him for it. Now its my fault cause I am always on my phone or computer. But why doesnt he ask me to get off them? Why is it always my fault. I am so tired of it. take some interest in the relationship. Nope. NO idea why not either.

Sippy cup spilled on the couch... he didnt clean it up. Waited for me.
Company we bought the van from needs to be called.... yep he is waiting for me
I didnt know a comforter needed to be washed... my fault.
We dont spend time together..... my fault. Heaven forbid he put forth effort.

I almost miss deployment and underways. Almost.

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